Chaplain Jake Krueger



A lifelong spiritual seeker myself, I have a Master in Divinity (MDiv) from Harvard Divinity School, where I concentrated my work in spiritual care and education. I am an ordained chaplain and celebrant endorsed by The Humanist Society—the clerical branch of the American Humanist Association. I’ve completed two years as a chaplain intern with the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter, two clinical internships and a residency as an interfaith hospital chaplain at Maine Medical Center, and for the last several years have had a private practice offering one-on-one spiritual and emotional care, resources, and support to members of the Queer/LGBTQIA+ community.


For people of different traditions—and for those who do not locate themselves within any religious community or context—the beliefs and practices that we associate with “spirituality” can often look quite different. Yet, through deeper exploration, we can locate common insights, common causes, common ideas that bind us together as human beings and enrich our relationships and foster shared community and commitments. 

My work focuses on four areas of spiritual exploration:  

  • IDENTITY: How do I understand my sense of self? What are my values and morals? How do they inform my ethics? What are my practices for exploring and validating my identity? What is my purpose? How do I wish to be seen in the world?

  • COMMUNITY: Who are my spiritual ancestors and elders? Who are my people? What are our shared histories? Our shared joys? Our shared traumas? How can we heal together? What are our shared rituals? Where do I find community and connection? 

  • WONDER:  How do I relate to the ineffable? To mystery? To the vastness of the cosmos? When—and where—have I experienced being moved to a place beyond words: deeply connected to, or aware of, something-greater-than-myself? How am I a part of this “something greater”? By what means do I “get connected” to my higher power?

  • CULTIVATION:  What are the practices, rituals, texts, stories, myths, and images, and sites/locations that inform—and have the power to (re)kindle—my spiritual journey? 


Currently I am offering private one-on-one meetings with clients looking for support, direction, resources, and care as they search for answers to big questions, make meaning in their lives, and process feelings that come up while on the journey. Spiritual development is a life-long journey and my hope is to offer validation and support along the way.


Too often Queer/LGBTQIA+ folks are rejected from their spiritual and religious communities of origin, cut off from the kinds of supportive resources that might otherwise help us navigate our paths to healthy spiritual growth and development. As a queer chaplain I am both well aware of and well experienced with the kinds of care and support Queer/LGBTQIA+ folks need while exploring their paths, and in the absence of a community, I offer myself as someone who can hold space for the work of spiritual exploration.